The Home for All Your Innovative Products and Complete Service Needs
The virtual community of products and services is a guide to help the shopper find their perfect product while vendors have a place to supply products to a large membership base.

Fresh and Preserved Natural Fruits and Berries
The membership community supports the production of natural fresh fruits and berries to help our families stay healthy.

Vegetables and Garden Products
The membership community prides itself in the production of healthy fresh vegetables and garden produce. Other preserved packing for off season use is also available.

Farm Animal Products
Quality farm animal products are essential for good health and the sustenance for our families. Meat, milk products, eggs, etc. are in daily need for our families.

Health Products
Essential oils, natural tooth paste, natural soap, and all kinds of other specialty health products.

Food Supplements
Food supplements to strengthen the immune system.

Specialized Seeds and Plants
The membership has special kinds of seeds to make essential oils, tinctures, salves, and other health maintenance products for your families or your pets.

Mechanical and Material Machining Specialties
Members have many specialized talents in metal production and specialized materials for your needs.

Literature, Poems, Music, and other Art Specialties
The arts are always a necessity for ones balance not only with nature but with our Creator.

Farming and Gardening Practices of Good Stewardship
A vast supply of knowledge about natural ways to farm, garden and raise animals that encourages good stewardship to help protect our land, animals, and nature.

Health Services for Your Animal and Pets
Veterinarian and natural remedies for animal and pet health.

Vehicle Services
The best local mechanics for your personal, business, and farming needs.

Construction for New and Upgrade Projects
Members with the most excellent talent for innovative construction designs for new or upgrade projects.

Lawn and Garden Innovations
Talents to create and maintain your beautiful lawn and garden space.

Learn the Arts
Services to teach many of the fine arts such as music, poetry, and writing.

Vintage Vehicle Restoration
Talents for the restorations of vintage cars, tractors, and aviation vehicles.

Out of the Way Places
Members have beautiful out of the way places for family vacations.

Family Owned Acreages
Many places to purchase for your private family get-togethers.

Travel Needs
Whether on the ground or in the air, it is your choice if you want to drive or fly.

Farming Equipment
Equipment new or used to fit your farming needs.

Orchards and Suppliers of Many Types of Produce
This community is dedicated to supply the best in fruit and garden products for the health of this nation.

Ecclesia Development and Instruction
Members to help the families of the Ecclesia to study God’s word and supply instruction materials for Christian growth.